Tuesday, January 25, 2011

smart way to lose weight

New York: Living the diet is not easy. If you include that fail to do that activity, try to consider these questions: whether the target of weight dream is too low; Should lose another 2.5 kilograms, is there any sense of quality improvement of health, fitness, self-confidence \?

"It's important for those who want to lose weight to ask the questions above," says Anne Fletcher, author of Weight Loss Confidential. "The point is to clarify what your personal goals. If the target is to lose weight, then what is needed next is to change the way you live."

Fletcher explains, lifestyle changes are key to the success of weight-loss program. "When the reduced body weight when dieting, we need fewer calories than before," he said.

Weight loss programs, said Fletcher, can be tailored to the needs and desires of the offender. If you are hard to reduce the size of the meal, then you have to do is to do more physical activity. Vice versa.

These are the five moves that will help get the weight dream:

1. Apply FITW Theory.
Theory FITW (frequency, intensity, type, and time) created an expert body weight decrease Dawn Jackson Blatner is a regulator portion of the exercise you need. The theory is to modify the frequency, intensity, type and timing of exercise we are doing to cut 100 calories extra. For example, adding 10-20 minutes of time we walk on the treadmill, push to the maximum extent, and added speed brisk walk or a brisk walk. "Most people need to change their exercise routines, because our bodies will change and burn fewer calories," Blatner said.

2. Watch What You Eat.
Fatty foods that contain calories than doubled foods contain carbohydrates or protein. "Twenty-five percent of the fat we eat is the extra fat. So look at the hidden fats in food dishes to cut calories that go into our body," advises Blatner.

Blatner also suggested to reduce the use of processed milk produsk in the cooking process and select dairy products are low in fat.

3. Use the tools Eat More Small.
If you belong to a group of people that are difficult to reduce food portions, this one trick that will really help you. By using the plates and cups smaller meals will affect your psychological condition. You will feel full when I saw the food on a small plate has been no trace.

4. Watch What You Drink.
The biggest mistake that can disrupt the diet is the unconscious that lurk behind the beverage calories you consume. Juice, latte in large sizes, margarita, or sweet beverages rich in calories. To work around this, choose a natural or drink beverages that contain no sugar with smaller portions.

5. Make Journal Eat.
Write everything you eat into the food journal will make you aware of your diet. To create a journal to eat it, you just need to write down all the food that you consume. Food journal will be a reminder when you eating food to excess.

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