Digital technology led to people living in the 21st century increasingly diligent in sharing. In fact, if before you can share thoughts, photos, and favorite links through social media, now you can share the secrets of digital.
For iPhone users, the secret can be shared with others via mobile devices. This application will be launched in September.
The concept is to follow up the success of the blog and book PostSecret. In addition to installed on the iPhone, this application will also soon be installed on Android-based smartphone.
According to Mashable page, since 2004, PostSecret has received a shipment of more than 300 thousand secrets through anonymous postcards from the sender. Soon, with the launch of a completed application PostSecret video link, you can share the secrets of digital, find a thought that had been kept secret to other users, and react to them.
"For the first time, the secret divider will be digitally connected to each other, show support, or acquainted with someone whose secret could make them wonder, laugh, or cry," he explained PostSecret.
PostSecret has had a big follower, which may help the application is successful, ie more than 1 million Facebook fans, 420,000 followers on Twitter, 500,000 email recipients, and 4.1 million unique visitors to blog PostSecret.
Fees for applications for the secret-is U.S. $ 1.99.
For iPhone users, the secret can be shared with others via mobile devices. This application will be launched in September.
The concept is to follow up the success of the blog and book PostSecret. In addition to installed on the iPhone, this application will also soon be installed on Android-based smartphone.
According to Mashable page, since 2004, PostSecret has received a shipment of more than 300 thousand secrets through anonymous postcards from the sender. Soon, with the launch of a completed application PostSecret video link, you can share the secrets of digital, find a thought that had been kept secret to other users, and react to them.
"For the first time, the secret divider will be digitally connected to each other, show support, or acquainted with someone whose secret could make them wonder, laugh, or cry," he explained PostSecret.
PostSecret has had a big follower, which may help the application is successful, ie more than 1 million Facebook fans, 420,000 followers on Twitter, 500,000 email recipients, and 4.1 million unique visitors to blog PostSecret.
Fees for applications for the secret-is U.S. $ 1.99.