Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Zynga poker on facebook

Zynga poker
on facebook

Zynga poker game at facebook or Texas Hold'em poker is a card game that attracts many enthusiasts. Zynga poker game is very popular and attract the facebookers worldwide. Besides easy in playing this game, the other attraction of the coin to the exchange to the other players in need, either in money or other forms of benefit.
However, in line with the times, service zynga poker gradually apply the strict rules, which zynga poker players who commits an offense that has been established by Zynga, which get a lot of sanctions, either in the form of advance warning, or even get sanctions DOH. DOH is given to the player deemed in violation, and coins held by the player will automatically be deducted from admitted and spared only approximately 0.1% of the amount of coins players. Strict rules that have applied this zynga turned out to have an impact on decreasing the number of players and facebookers started slowly leaving this zynga poker game.

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