Currently, Internet become the general community requirement. Using the Internet become commonplace, to obtain information in order to work on their assignments or the job require internet service. And that's not the thing to disputed cause its positive things.
The question is, what if the Internet as a things to search or used as a service to obtain the benefits which the service is directed to Internet users to deviate from rules and social norms that exist in the community. Although the actual use of the Internet in a negative thing has been long and growing quite rapidly and all services are free to access and no restrictions on its use. That is what should be a concern and vigilance of us.
The existence of internet services that are less educate:
- Online gambling, ranging from online card gambling, gambling to guess the results of sporting events, gambling figures drawn in a time determined by the organizers.
- Live sex, viewing and interactive with the opposite sex where the video camera service directly with minimal dress and or no wear even.
- Cartoons and animation video sex, cartoon films showing scenes that do sex like a man.
- Adult movie, porn movie, showing scenes of the film like a pair of wives having sex.
- Video sex artist, video that showing artists who have intercourse with her partner or lover.
- Nude video artist, video artist show being naked
- Actress nude photos, photos of nude posing who deliberately disseminated by the artist himself or other that have interests with the artist.
- Adult stories, stories about sex, porn, vulgar, etc.
Of course, anyone who still have a concern on existing norms of the society to make an assessment, monitoring and regulating of the internet services.