Sunday, October 10, 2010

Fruit & Vegetable Consumption Determine Pre Pregnancy Infant Health

A lot of eating fruits and vegetables prior to pregnancy was found to increase birth weight babies are healthy.

Based on the research, found that women who consume three or more of leafy vegetables in the three months before pregnancy, had a 50 percent lower risk for having a baby with a small weight.

Eating the fruit also lowers the risk. So is eating oily fish three times a week, as quoted by The Independent.

Babies born with a small weight for their age is estimated half of all infants who died at birth.

Meanwhile, their lives have higher chances of developing heart disease and diabetes when they are older. Recent research involving more than 3,500 women from Auckland, New Zealand, Manchester, London and Cork in Ireland.

The study was published in "BJOG," an international journal of obstetrics and gynecology. The researchers say eating green leafy vegetables at least a day before conception reduces the risk of babies born weighing less.

However, women who ate fruit less than once a week had double the risk for having a baby with a small weight.

"The message is, fewer fast food, fresh fruit and more fruit," said Philip Steer, "editor in chief" BJOG.

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